How Strategic Is Your Business Networking?

‘Hit and hope’ isn’t really a great opening gambit in the world of business events. If all you do is register and turn up, success will probably elude you!

Business networking, when done well, involves far more than just attending events and hoping for the best. A targeted strategy is needed to help you get the most out of your network. As we slowly pull out of the pandemic, we’re more aware than ever of the central role that technology plays in keeping us together – whatever’s going on in the outside world.

The Sydney Hills Business Chamber LinkedIn Group is an excellent example of digital connection-building over time, with an established culture to follow as listed in the group rules. I tell everyone I meet about this opportunity. Yet those who succeed do so because of the clear engagement strategy they use to relate, connect and grow.

The three key traits of networking success

In short, there are no lucky business networkers – just smart ones. Those who succeed are:

1. Visible
They engage both online and offline.

2. Consistent
They are visible at least once a month, both online and offline.

3. Strategic
They mark activities in their calendars with weekly reminders. They also have an intended person they would like to engage with, for every activity they undertake.

Building a strategic network of business connections involves a holistic approach to every activity you tackle in this space. Your actions are planned rather than random. If you want to taste real success, your activities will also be regular and documented.

Zooming in on opportunity and growth

Sound like a lot of hard work? Well, it can be if you don’t think it through first.

So, beyond the obvious benefit of more opportunities leading to more clients and business, what else is business networking really about?

I’m keen to tell you. Informed by more than 25 years of continuous business networking, I’ve learned so much that I want to pass on.

For non-members
If you’ve made it to this part of the article and you aren’t a Chamber member, here’s a suggestion. Let’s catch up via a 30-minute Zoom session to explore the real scope of the Business Chamber. Following this, if you like what you hear, you may wish to find out more about your local Chamber, with a view to becoming a member.

For members
For all 383 existing members of the Sydney Hills Business Chamber, I offer the opportunity to engage your membership more actively in 2021. As a member benefit, I suggest a 60-minute Zoom meeting for you and your team to drill deeper into these strategies.

I love what I do.

I love helping people.

But I love it even more when business people really get serious and want to take it to the next level.

Why not contact me to get the ball rolling? I look forward to meeting you.

About the author:

Richard Holland is the Membership & Engagement Manager of the Sydney Hills Business Chamber.

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